Si ya eres miembro de CDHM, debes registrarte para la clase en:
http://forums.cdhm.org/index.php/topic,10010.0.html (sólo ingresar una respuesta con tu nombre).
Si aún no eres miembro de CDHM, entonces debes registrate en el foro primero y luego en la clase. Para registrarse en el foro:
http://forums.cdhm.org/index.php y luego hacer click en "register" al inicio de la página.
La clase será dada en inglés. Los esperamos!!!
This saturday, april 3rd, 12 hrs noon Argentina, at CDHM forum, will be conducting a tutorial class on how to make this little bunny. To be part of it, you just have to be a member of CDHM forums (totally free!) and register for the class. It's free!! Interesting about CDHM classes is that you make your piece as the class goes ahead.
If you are already a member of CDHM, register for the class at:
http://forums.cdhm.org/index.php/topic,10010.0.html (just leave a reply with your name).
If you are not member of CDHM forums, sign in for free at:
http://forums.cdhm.org/index.php and then click "register" ant the begining of the page.
Class will be in English. Hope to see you there!!!