We'd like to invite you to watch and ejoy april's edition of Artisans in Miniature Magazine. As we are used to, it's full of projects and articles and images that are the joy and pleasure of every miniaturist. At "Getteing to know you" section, you'll be able to read and interview made to... me! There are also some of our works pictured here and there, and the new of an event we'll be taking part of (more news about this soon). To see the magazine, just follow this link and click on the cover:

También está disponible el newsleter de abril de CDHM (un portal fantástico para los amantes de las miniaturas, con un foro que tal vez sea el mejor foro de miniaturismo). El mismo tiene muchas novedades y noticias del mundo de las miniaturas. Para verlo: http://www.artisansinminiature.com/issue10.html
CDHM april's newsletter is also avaliable. CDHM is a fantastic portal for miniature lovers, and it has a forum that it certainly might be considered as the best miniautre about forum. The newsleter has a lot of news and novelties for the miniature world: http://www.artisansinminiature.com/issue10.html
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
ResponderEliminarEn el anterior post, ya os felicite. Pero vuelvo a hacerlo, me ha encantado el reportaje.
besitos ascension
HA! I deleted my first comment, no need for everyone to know what an idiot I am, LOL.
ResponderEliminarBut I would still like to say that your article was super!!
Kristy girl, you're way too funny!!!!
ResponderEliminarhola como puedo hacer para ver las otras revistas q no me deja muchas gracias